#7 Double D – Diversity & Digital Transformation

„Diversity is at the core of digital transformation,” says Alexandra Borchardt – and this is a woman who knows what she’s talking about: the managing editor of leading German newspaper the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, she is now a senior media consultant, Honorary Professor for Leadership and Digitalisation at TUM School of Management and Senior Research Associate at the Reuters Institute in Oxford.

„What digital transformation really is, is cultural change,” she tells MyCollective founder and CEO Dr. Ricarda Engelmeier in today’s podcast. “And that #culturalchange is often lacking because of a lack of diversity. Digital transformation is dealing with constant change. So that requires completely new leadership skills. It requires adaptability, listening… Not only by women, but by everyone.“

A mother of two herself, she also has advice for #workingparents trying to balance leadership positions with parenthood: “Stop trying to be perfect!” After all, “leadership… is about improvising and dealing with what you have, and as a parent you do this all day long, because you have certain ideals, then things don’t work out the way you want them to work out, so then you adjust, you experiment.” 

„You’ll never be the perfect mom. So just be yourself. Be a role model. And encourage your kids to be themselves.” 

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Borchardt – Journalist, Media Adviser and Professor for Media Transformation

Interviewer: Dr. Ricarda Engelmeier – Founder @MyCollective

Music: sponsored by @Michaelkadelbach

Photograph: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Borchardt 

Graphic & Production: MyCollective

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