What does it take to lead effectively while working part-time or flexibly? In our latest podcast episode, we explore this question with Prof. Anja Karlshaus, President of CBS International Business School and a thought leader in flexible work and leadership.

Here are three key insights from the session that might just redefine how you think about leadership:

1️⃣ Flexible Leadership is a Business Asset
Prof. Karlshaus emphasized that part-time leadership is not a compromise but a strategic advantage. Organizations embracing this model report higher productivity, improved work-life balance for leaders, and enhanced employee satisfaction.

2️⃣ Rethink the Role of Time in Leadership
„It’s not about hours worked, but about outcomes delivered.“ Prof. Karlshaus challenged traditional success metrics, advocating for impact-focused leadership that values effectiveness over presence.

3️⃣ Practical Steps for Organizations

  • Normalize part-time roles at all levels.

  • Equip leaders with tools for communication and coordination.

  • Create policies that encourage diverse leadership styles, making flexibility a core value rather than an exception.

Why it matters:
Part-time leadership isn’t just a trend—it’s a sustainable approach to developing inclusive, agile, and resilient organizations. It also creates pathways for caregivers, diverse talent, and those prioritizing both career and personal goals.

💡 Ready to embrace flexible leadership?
🎧 Tune in now to hear more practical strategies and inspiring stories from Prof. Karlshaus.

#FlexibleLeadership #PartTimeLeadership #NewWork #DiversityInLeadership #MyCollective

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