• Get Inspired - by MyCollective

    #16 Digital Me – a new identity in times of digitalisation with Dominique Leikauf

    Digital Me – a new identity in times of digitalisation with Dominique Leikauf

    What do people find when they google you? And how can we make sure that they find what we want them to find? 

    Shaping your digital presence is easier than many people think, says author and entrepreneur Dominique Leikauf, and you don’t need a social media team to do it. It’s about defining who we are and what we stand for – asking ourselves questions that will help shape our jobs, contacts and quality of life – not just online, but offline too 🌻

    Start by asking yourself: 

    ⭐︎ Who am I and what do I do? Think outside the box here: if you are a creative, a parent and someone fun, you can own all of those things 🤟🏽

    ⭐︎ out of all the topics that I’ve been working on or engaged with, which have been most rewarding and important to me?  

    ⭐︎ which issues would I like to work on more? 

    ⭐︎ which topics do other people most associate me with – correctly or incorrectly? How can I change that perception so that it better fits who I am? 

    ⭐︎ who is your target group? 

    And then

    📝 make sure that your bios, descriptions and online interests match who you are, and include topics that you want to focus on;

    👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 add the people in your target group and people whose interests match yours to your network;

    💌 share, post, ❤️ the things that interest you and reflect your worldview. 

    The rest will happen organically!

    Let us know if you have any tips of your own to share ❤️

    Speaker:  Dominique Leikauf, Diversity & Culture lead at DKB Service / Contributing author, Zukunftsrepublik

    Interviewer: Dr. Ricarda Engelmeier – Founder @MyCollective

    Music: sponsored by @Michaelkadelbach

    Picture: Dominique Leikauf

    Graphic & Production: MyCollective

    #14 Personal is political: own your career in your parental leave with Jutta Allmendinger

    THE PERSONAL IS POLITICAL: own your career during your parental leave 

    We may think that the decisions we take in our relationships about care work and careers are private – but in reality they are always shaped by cultural, political and sociological contexts, says renowned sociologist Prof. Jutta Allmendinger.

    Does this mean that we are helplessly trapped within the gender bias that’s inherent in our culture? No. „Our society still has this implicit idea that a child belongs to the mother,” says Prof. Allmendinger. „But children develop wonderfully, regardless of whether you spend 50% of your time in the labour market, or 80%, or full-time. What matters is quality time with your children, so that they can feel your love. This is the important thing.”

    So if both is important to you: a family with children and a successful career, then you should tune in to this week’s podcast with Prof. Allmendinger. 📝 She will speak about her 4-point plan on how to combine family and career.

    And she will explain, why there actually is such a thing as taking parental leave that’s too short, with negative effects on the labour market.

    Speaker: Prof. Dr. h.c. Jutta Allmendinger, Ph.D., President of the WZB Berlin Social Science Center

    Interviewer: Dr. Ricarda Engelmeier – Founder @MyCollective

    Music: sponsored by @Michaelkadelbach

    Picture: ©WZB/David Ausserhofer

    Graphic & Production: MyCollective

    #getinspired #podcast #inspiration #MyCollective #genderbias #unconsciousbias #parentalleave #femalecareers #carework #relationshipgoals #getinspiredpodcast #ImpulseSessions #womenchangemakers #womenleaders #parenthood

    #13 Be the Change You Want to See With Micha Fritz

    BE THE CHANGE: How to make the world better, starting at home

    Have you ever had childcare plans fall through and you had to take your child to work? 

    How did people react? Did you feel judged for not having your life under control? Or were you congratulated on your excellent multitasking? 

    Your response may depend on whether you’re male or female, says Micha Fritz. The activist and social entrepreneur had exactly that happen to him when his wife went on her first overseas work trip after giving birth, and he ended up having to give a speech while he was literally holding the baby. „Afterwards all the people came to me and were like, “Ey, so super, so avant-garde,” he says. „And I just asked two people, “Would you have said the same thing to my wife, or would she just have been really badly organised?” And their faces just fell, because they realised.”

    Micha has made a career of driving change, making the world better, being a positive role model. But since he became a father, he also sees the changes that need to happen at home. It started with a parenting workshop that his wife set up just for the two of them when they were first juggling parenthood and care work – complete with „the flipchart, and the brainstorming, the prototyping and the presentation.” 🤓

    He explains it beautifully in today’s podcast, but in case you want to try this at home, here’s an overview of what they did: 

    📝 Together, brainstorm a list of every task you can think of linked to child- and home-care.

    🗓 Organise the list into daily, weekly, monthly, annual tasks.

    ⏱ Work out roughly how much time is spent on each task, in total, in an average month / year.

    👫 Split that time between the people actually doing those tasks.

    👩‍❤️‍👨 Add up the totals and if the balance is completely off, make it fairer! (Tip – it helps to take each other’s individual strengths into account when redistributing tasks)

    „We realised that my wife was doing about 750 or 760 hours, and I was doing about 200,” says Micha. So they fixed that.

    #getinspired #podcast #inspiration #MyCollective #culturalchange #genderimbalance #genderbalance #dads #carework #activism #changestartsathome #changemakers #diversity #parentalleave #getinspiredpodcast #parenthood

    Speaker: Micha Fritz, Founder and CEO of Viva Con Aqua (amongst others!) 

    Interviewer: Dr. Ricarda Engelmeier – Founder @MyCollective

    Music: sponsored by @Michaelkadelbach

    Picture: Micha Fritz

    Graphic & Production: MyCollective

    12# Get on Board – how to broaden your job perspectives with Mariel von Schumann

    Women on the Board – an interview with Mariel von Schumann on being a board member while juggling a full-time job and parenthood. 

    Mariel von Schumann was a full-time executive at Siemens and a working mother when she decided to take on an additional role as a board member – first within Siemens, and then outside the company. 

    Crazy as that sounds, it’s something that she would actually recommend to all of us: “At some point in your career you have enough experience to be able to add value to other companies,” she says in today’s podcast, adding that that experience becomes an important value-add for yourself and even the company you already work for, too, “because in any negotiation, it always helps to understand where your counterpart is coming from.”

    With a career spanning 20 years and the courage to make decisions that sometimes went against the grain, she has plenty of other advice for us too – from how to get those board positions, to how and when to take our parental leave, to managing our finances (to pick up from where last week’s podcast left off!) 

    Speaker: Mariel von Schumann, Board Member at Siemens GamesaVerti Insurance 

    Interviewer: Dr. Ricarda Engelmeier – Founder @MyCollective

    Music: sponsored by @Michaelkadelbach

    Graphic & Production: MyCollective

    #getinspired #podcast #inspiration #MyCollective #femaleleadership #femalemoney #womeninmanagement #managers #boardmembers #womenchangemakers #womenleaders #diversity #valueadd #workingparents #parentalleave #getinspiredpodcast #parenthood

    #11 Bold moves towards gender equality with Maren Gräf

    Changing cultures: bold moves towards gender equality with Škoda’s Board Member for „People & Culture“ Maren Gräf 

    You hear a lot of people saying “walk the talk” but hardly anyone takes it as seriously as Maren. For some months last year, she engineered a shift at Skoda by focusing on hiring women. “After 126 years of automotive tradition and a workforce that was 80% men and 20% women, we decided from now on to focus on hiring women, of course based on equal qualifications… to correspond to the distribution in the population, which is 50-50,” she says. 

    Gräf knows that it will take time to achieve true balance – and she has also faced criticism: “I got a lot of questions – why we now discriminate against men – whether women are at all interested in technical jobs or do they really want to go into management – all of this came up. I think the important thing is to explain again and again that this is all part of a healthy transformation in the industry.”

    This is why we @MyCollective have also started talking to people within companies who are left behind when their talents go on parental leave. Once they see the value of having people in their team returning after parental leave with new skills – the transformation in the industry that Maren talks about in this podcast – we will be a big step ahead. It’s all about #ChangingTheNarrative! 

    Speaker: Maren Gräf, Member of the Board, People & Culture Škoda.

    Interviewer: Dr. Ricarda Engelmeier – Founder @MyCollective

    Music: sponsored by @Michaelkadelbach

    Picture: Maren Gräf

    Graphic & Production: MyCollective

    #getinspired #podcast #inspiration #MyCollective #culturalchange #genderimbalance #genderbalance #equitableworkplace #womenchangemakers #inspiringwomen #womenleaders #womenontheboard #femaleempowerment #diversity #parentalleave #getinspiredpodcast #parenthood