• Get Inspired - by MyCollective

    #5 Changing the narrative – why it’s time for more female voices in film – Impulse with Lena Stahl

    Lena Stahl sees parenthood as a constant contradiction between holding on and letting go. Learning to let go is topic that keeps coming up for us at MyCollective too, and she’s explored it in depth in her latest film, “Mein Sohn” – or “My Son” – which won Best Production at the Munich Film Festival last year. 

    „In the moment that you become a mother, there’s another thing which is sort of born with the child and that’s the fear of losing it again,” Stahl explains. „It’s always there. On the other hand, as a daughter know how important it is that my mother let me go at this crucial time of your life where you have to get out and do your own thing.”

    Stahl is a screenwriter and photographer as well directing movies, and a big part of her work is creating more space for female stories. “We’re very used to watching movies with male leads;  there are very few stories with very strong female characters,” she says. She talks about how she hopes to change this, how she and her partner juggle parenting with creative jobs – and the importance of family-team-meetings in today’s podcast. 


    Speaker: Lena Stahl – Director, Script Writer, Photographer 

    Interviewer: Dr. Ricarda Engelmeier – Founder @MyCollective

    Music: sponsored by @Michaelkadelbach

    Photograph: Lena Stahl 

    Graphic & Production: MyCollective

    #4 Never Stop Learning – what parenthood teaches us and other vital skills for women leaders

    #3 Never Stop Learning – what parenthood teaches us and other vital skills for women leaders

    “As a leader you have to really know what you stand for. Find out what you really care about, and then choose that as your career path.” For Professor Claudia Peus at the Technical University of Munich, finding that path is a lifelong journey – and it involves a lifetime of learning. 

    We often think of education as something that we do at school and university, before our career has even started. But if anything has shown us that we need to be open to embracing new knowledge and skills all the time, it’s the global pandemic that we’re all collectively experiencing. Almost all our jobs and workplaces have changed in some way since early 2020 – even more so for those of us who have juggled parenting with working from home. 

    According to Professor Peus, shifting away from linear education and linear careers is natural and necessary. After all, as humans we are constantly learning new things. As women, it’s time we recognized and celebrated the added skillsets that parenthood has given us – after all, parenthood can be a steep learning curve, and it transforms us as managers and leaders. 

    Peus also has some interesting tips for professional competencies that we might want to brush up on, especially as women. In this episode of our MyCollective Podcast „Get Inspired”, we talked about her Institute for Life Long Learning – and why it’s never too late to learn. 

    Speaker: Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus, Professor of Research and Science Management at the Technical University Munich, Executive Vice President for Talent Management and Diversity, and founder of the TUM Institute for Life Long Learning

    Interviewer: Dr. Ricarda Engelmeier – Founder @MyCollective

    Music: sponsored by @Michaelkadelbach

    Picture: Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus / TUM

    Graphic & Production: MyCollective

    #3 Change of perspective – Interview with Volker Baisch

    #3 Change of Perspective – the meaning of gender equality when you’re a dad

    „93% of all fathers don’t want to emulate their own fathers. So we have to learn most of this on our own.” Volker Baisch is the founder of Germany’s “Väternetzwerk“ – or “Network of Fathers” – and like us, he’s interested in gender equality. Because gender equality doesn’t just mean more women in leadership positions. It also means more men playing an active part in their children’s lives without having to worry about their careers. As our founder Ricarda Engelmeier likes to say – once men are having the same conversations about returning to work after parental leave as women do now, we’ll know that we’ve arrived! In today’s podcast, Volker Baisch tells us how men and women can support each other to ensure that they are able to thrive at both work, and as parents. His advice? “Keep talking. Communication is everything.“ Using that time during early parenthood to find a good work-life balance can be really crucial. “If you look at divorce statistics, the biggest risk is in the four years after the first child is born,” says Baisch. “So any time that you are able to invest into these 3-4 years will really benefit you and your children in the long run.” Speaker: Volker Baisch – Founder Väternetzwerk


    Interviewer: Dr. Ricarda Engelmeier – Founder MyCollective

    Music: sponsored by @Michaelkadelbach

    Picture: Volker Baisch

    Graphic & Production: MyCollective

    #getinspired #podcast #inspiration #MyCollective #getinspiredpodcast #ImpulseSessions #equality #vaeternetzwerk #newwork #worklifebalance #genderequality #inclusion #diversity #parenthood #workingdads #parentalleave #paternityleave

    #2 Life or death – women surviving crisis – Get inspired with Julia Leeb

    What if everyday there was a possibility of a bomb being released onto your house? Which take on life would you have? There are uncountable woman living in times of crisis, with their families in jeopardy and with the mere will to make the best out of the situation.

    Julia Leeb is a VR journalist, filmmaker and author traveling to war zones, states in political upheaval – a euphemism for war, revolution or dictatorship. She talks to woman living in those circumstances to see how they do it. Her pictures and films from isolated areas, such as Afghanistan, North Korea, Sudan, Libya, Syria and others are published worldwide.

    In the latest episode of our podcast „Get Inspired“, Julia Leeb and our founder Ricarda Engelmeier and take us on a journey to hear Julia’s stories behind the war scene.

    🎧 Listen up and get inspired


    Speaker: Julia Leeb

    Interviewer: Dr. Ricarda Engelmeier – Founder @MyCollective

    Music: sponsored by @Michaelkadelbach

    Picture: Julia Leeb

    Graphic & Production: MyCollective

    #1 Food for thought – Interview with Verena Pausder

    I am thrilled to have her with us in our Impulse Session – Verena Pausder.

    We talk about what inspires us, search for role models and ways to be part of the change that we want to drive in our economy and society. Who would be better to give un impulse to get active than her.

    Verena takes us with her, speaking about her bestselling book “Das Neues Land”, her experiences as a serial entrepreneur, an advisory board member of a Dax company, a “Vordenker des Jahres 2020” who gets involved in political matters as well as a career women and mother of three kids.

    She is one of the most famous face within the startup scene in Germany as the founder of “Fix & Sheep”, the “HABA Digitalwerkstätten” and the Foundation “Digitale Bildung für Alle e.V.“. Her engagement didn’t go unnoticed and she was nominated in the “Forbes Europe’s Top 50 Women In Tech” list as well as by the WEF as a “Young Global Leaders”. But also parents and other startup founders joined her mission in the largest education-hackathon in Germany that she initiated with #wirfürschule. 

    Verena is all about getting involved, driving innovation and digitalization, living diversity and work-life balance, saving the planet and the belief in equal opportunity for all. 

    Here we go – get inspired and let’s talk…

    Cheers Ricarda


    Interview Guest: Verena Pausder – Entrepreneur & Bestselling author

    Interviewer: Dr. Ricarda Engelmeier – Founder @MyCollective

    Music Rights: Sponsored by Michael Kadelbach

    Photographer: Patrycia Lukas

    Graphic & Edit: MyCollective